The European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology (ISSN 2786-4936) is a multidisciplinary open access and peer-reviewed journal published online, which provides an international platform for high-quality original research contributions. The journal aims to advance and rapidly disseminate new research results and ideas to a wide audience to provide greatest benefit to society.

Frequency: Bimonthly (6 issues per year).

Languages: English, Ukrainian.

Published from the year 2021.

Indexed by Google Scholar (h-index = 8) 2021-2024; SJIF Journals Master List (SJ Impact Factor 2023 = 4.489); BASE; J-GATE; OpenAIRE; Directory of Research Journals Indexing; EuroPub; IJIFACTOR Indexing; Eurasian Scientific Journal Index; International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), etc.

Submission: Manuscripts must be sent as a word file attachment to

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025)

Issues are built gradually, with articles being added to the contents list as soon as they are ready. Therefore, there will not be a delay period for accepted articles to be published online.

Published: 2025-01-27


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