Effect of Tridax Procumbens on Growth Performance Parameters of Buck Rabbits

  • I. Odeh
  • N. C. Johnson
  • A. Monsi
  • O. J. Owen
  • H. H. Gunn


The effects of Tridax procumbens on buck rabbits’ growth performance parameters were investigated. Forty-eight (48) buck New Zealand White rabbits of 16–18 weeks of age and weighing 1260-1305g were used in the study. The rabbits were randomly assigned to four treatment groups: T1 (control), T2, T3 and T4 contained (200g, 300g and 400g), of Tridax procumbens (T. procumbens)/kg of diet, respectively. The animals were pre-conditioned for I week after which animals were fed their experimental diets for 8 weeks. Animals on all dietary treatments had similar (P > 0.05) average daily feed intake (ADFI). However, animals on the positive control groups: T2, T3 and T4 had significant (P < 0.05) better average daily gain (ADG) compared to the T1 group of animals with the T4 group showing the best ADG. Similarly, animals on the T2, T3 and T4 dietary groups had significant (P < 0.05) better feed efficiency (FE) compared with the T1 group with the T4 group showing the best or most superior FE. It was concluded that dietary inclusion rate of 400g of T. procumbens/kg of diet best supports buck rabbit growth performance parameters.

Як цитувати
Odeh, I., Johnson, N. C., Monsi, A., Owen, O. J., & Gunn, H. H. (2022). Effect of Tridax Procumbens on Growth Performance Parameters of Buck Rabbits. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 2(4), 71-74. вилучено із https://ejsit-journal.com/index.php/ejsit/article/view/126
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