Effect of Present Bias on Dropout Among Higher Secondary Children in Tribal and Urban Region in Maharashtra

  • Apoorva Lalwani Research Scholar, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, Maharashtra 411004, India
  • Vini Sivanandan Assistant Professor, Population Research Centre, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, Maharashtra 411004, India
Keywords: Present bias, Delay Discounting, Higher secondary, Dropout, Education Behaviour


Leaving higher secondary education has lasting impact on not just the individual but also on the society and economy at large. With government’s efforts the enrolment rate has increased but the transition rate is still considerably low at higher secondary education in India. This creates a persisting skill gap in the country. The present article is a novel attempt to understand the behavioural factors associated with dropping out. The study is based on primary survey conducted in Pune city and Tribal area of Mahad in Maharashtra among children between 16-20 years of age. The study captures the impact of present bias/ delay discounting, a cognitive bias, along with socio-economic and demographic variables. Employing cluster analysis and multivariate analysis it was highlighted that children with low present bias behaviour are 4 times less likely to dropout from school and children with higher standard of living index are 4 percent less likely to dropout. It was also found that boys are more likely to leave school, additionally, age is a significant determinant of dropping out. It was further elicited that SLI, and education of parents and siblings significantly impacts present bias/ delay discounting behaviour among children. The findings imply that low-cost nudges such as commitment devices, inculcating positive identities and emphasising long run benefits of education can overcome present bias among children thereby increasing their education progression.


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How to Cite
Lalwani, A., & Sivanandan, V. (2025). Effect of Present Bias on Dropout Among Higher Secondary Children in Tribal and Urban Region in Maharashtra. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 5(1), 131-140. Retrieved from https://ejsit-journal.com/index.php/ejsit/article/view/609