Framework for Improving Quality Health Information to Reduce Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in Migori County, Kenya

  • Wilfred Obwocha School of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, P.O BOX 210-40601 Bondo, Kenya
Keywords: quality data, quality information, quality improvement, use of framework


Quality health framework is a reference guide to evaluate and improve healthcare. It provides guidance to health services, on what good quality care entails and how it can be evaluated and demonstrated. Healthcare and quality are complex and highly vary between low and high income countries. Using quality health information reduces maternal morbidity and mortality among healthcare facilities; County referral, St Joseph mission, Rongo Sub County referral and Isebania county hospitals. Therefore, a framework was developed to improve data/ information quality and in turn maternal healthcare. The study used cross-sectional design and the population sample size for the study was 155 healthcare workers. The sample size was determined by Cochran method and closed ended questionnaires were used to collect data. Data analysis used statistical package for social scientists (SPSS), and results were presented in percentages using tables and charts. These data were collected from healthcare workers and analyzed to determine quality of health information to reduce/ prevent maternal morbidity and mortality in Migori County. The study revealed that, the framework can improve quality of data, information and healthcare services. This resulted from data collected and analyzed using basic variables; Agree/ strongly agree achieving 95% for Migori county referral hospital, St Joseph 94%, Rongo subcounty referral hospital 96% and Isebania county hospital 95% and on average coverage was 95%. The frame is good for improving data/ information quality and its implementation is necessary due to its effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Obwocha, W. (2025). Framework for Improving Quality Health Information to Reduce Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in Migori County, Kenya. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 5(1), 52-57. Retrieved from