Feasibility of Radiation Schemes to Predict Extreme Temperature Conditions over Bangladesh
An extreme temperature is a weather phenomenon that is distinguished by marked cooling or heating of the air, or with the invasion of very cold or hot air, over a large area. The present study is associated with the simulation of regional climate using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model that was experimented through 30 different combinations of radiation parameterization schemes over Bangladesh. The intention was to investigate the response to the radiation parameters schemes for dynamic down-scaling of climatic variables. The predicted temperature of 30 different WRF setups were analyzed and compared with the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) recorded data and were found sensitive to the radiation physics on the basis of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) at 2-meter air temperature on 02-05 January 2019, 02-05 February 2019 and 28-31 December 2019 for Cold Wave (CW), and 24-27 April 2019, 09-12 May 2019 and 19-22 May 2019 for Heat Wave (HW) at 34 stations over Bangladesh. We conclude that the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) for long wave and Dudhia for short wave schemes are the most appropriate combinations to simulate in the extreme temperature. Using the selected combinations of WRF parameterizations to downscale the extreme weather events, which showed good agreement with the reference data. It was suggested WRF parameters from this study could be utilized for regional climate modeling of Bangladesh.
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