Academic Background, Engagement, and Self-Efficacy: A Correlational Analysis to Academic Achievement of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers
Pre-service mathematics teachers’ academic success is a crucial indicator of effective and competent mathematics educators. Identifying the factors influencing their academic achievement offers valuable insights for teacher preparation programs. This study investigates the interplay between academic background, academic engagement, mathematics self-efficacy, and academic achievement. The study employed a descriptive-correlational research design encompassed 71 pre-service mathematics teachers who participated voluntarily. Findings indicate pre-service teachers had diverse academic backgrounds and held moderate levels of academic achievement, academic engagement, and mathematics self-efficacy. Notably, disparities in mathematics achievement are evident, with male pre-service teachers and those aspiring to specialize in mathematics achieving higher levels. Furthermore, the study underscores a positive correlation between heightened academic engagement, self-efficacy, and enhanced mathematics achievement, underscoring the pivotal role of active engagement and confidence in fostering mathematical proficiency among pre-service teachers.
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