Morphological Characterization of Cassava Accessions (Maniohot spp) Collected in Maniema (RDC)
The objective of this work was to differentiate the cultivars of cassava produced in the Province of Maniema on the basis of descriptors selected among the descriptors of cassava. The fifteen cassava cultivars collected were evaluated in a field plant system. The descriptive analysis showed phenotypic differences in certain characters such as: color of the apical leaf, shape of the apical leaf, height, diameter at the collar. Ascending hierarchical classification (CHA) made it possible to structure these cultivars into 3 groups of agromorphological diversity. In conclusion, the cassava cultivars grown in the province of Maniema have a great diversity of forms which can constitute a good basis of selection for cassava producers in the Province in particular and in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in general.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Moke Lukusa Bopole, Shadari Salumu, Mwinyipori Sabiti, Monde Te-Kanzangba Gaudefroid, Litucha Bakokola Joseph, Ngama Boloy Faustin, Yenga Bombeku Dimanche

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