Tolerance of Banana and Plantain Cultivars (Musa spp.) against the Epidemiology of BBTV, Grown in Open Fields, Maniema, DR Congo
The objective of the study was to evaluate the expression of banana and plantain (Musa spp.) cultivars grown in the open field in the face of the epidemiology of BBTV, Maniema, DR Congo. Specifically, to determine which banana and plantain (Musa spp.) cultivars are resistant, tolerant and sensitive to the epidemiology of BBTV. To achieve the objective, methods relating to the latter were used. A single factorial design of elongated plots with 11 repetitions and 11 cultivars of banana and plantains was set up. The spacings chosen were 3 m x 3 m, i.e. a density of 121 feet in a field of 40 m x 40 m. Thus, the results obtained showed that from the TAS ELISA in the presence of the vector (Pentalonia nigronervosa) the plants of banana and plantain cultivars with or without symptoms of BBTD are sometimes carriers of the banana bunchy top virus (i.e. 24.28%). There is a strong correlation between plant-vector-disease-production, that is to say; plants carrying aphid colonies are likely to be more infected by BBTV and cause significant yield losses. The correlation between production, incidence and severity makes it possible to uncover the resistance and tolerance of cultivars to BBTV. The cultivars Kamboloso, Lokoka, Yangambi Km 5 and Tala lola having achieved excellent yields are said to be resistant to bunchy top disease, their severity in the TAS ELISA oscillated between 0-10% of the general scale for evaluating viral diseases. Furthermore, the cultivars Libanga likale, Leese, Andula, Lokusu, Losakala and Nguku are tolerant to BBTD given that they obtained good yields and their ELISA severity level evolved between 11-40% and finally, the Kamaramasenge cultivar is sensitive to BBTD because it achieved an intermediate yield and a severity level varying between 41-75% of the general scale assessment of viral diseases. This study clearly confirms that there is a positive effect of aphid bite inoculum on virus transmission in banana and plantain cultivars grown in the open field. We recommend that genetic improvement studies be carried out by other researchers to explore the resistance and tolerance genes found in the cultivars Kamboloso, Lokoka, Yangambi Km 5, Tala lola, Libanga likale, Leese, Andula, Lokusu, Losakala and Nguku for better cultural control of BBTV and an improvement in the productivity of bananas and plantains in the sub-region of Africa to the east of the RD Congo in particular and throughout the world in general.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Shadari Salumu, Dowiya Nzawele, Mukandama Ndolandola

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