Agro-Morphological Performance of Banana and Plantain Cultivars (Musa spp.) Collected and Cultivated in the Open Field, Maniema Province, DR Congo
This study aimed to evaluate the agro-morphological performance of banana and plantain (Musa spp.) cultivars collected in 7 territories of the Maniema Province and cultivated in the open field, Democratic Republic of Congo. A single factorial design of elongated plots with 11 repetitions was set up. Eleven cultivars were used: Tala lola (Mbudi: AAB), Leese (Mukokoonde: AAB), Nguku (Kangindi: AAB), Kamboloso (Kakumbi: AAB), Litete (Bondjilo: AAB), Lokusu (Mbole: AAB), Losakala (Mudioko: AAB), Libanga likale (Kileka: AAB), Andula (Akondo: AAB) for plantains, Kamaramasenge (Kamera: AAB) and Yangambi Km 5 (IBOTA: AAA) for bananas. The field was 40 m x 40 m, the spacings chosen were 3 m x 3 m with a density of 121 feet. Thus, the results obtained showed a strong agro-morphological variability due to genetic differences and the adaptability of banana and plantain cultivars in relation to the influence of biotic and abiotic environmental factors. The growth parameters (height of the pseudo-stem, diameter at the collar, leaf surface, day at flowering and the number of suckers emitted per plant) and production (number of hands per bunch, number of fingers per hand, weight of a finger, bunch weight and yield) contribute very significantly to determining the agro morphological performance of banana and plantain cultivars. The best yields were obtained with the Yangambi Km 5 cultivar (43,7t/ha) for bananas and the Tala lola cultivar (30 t/ha), followed by the Losakala cultivar 23,7t/ha for plantains. Thus, for large-scale production for profit, we recommend using the Yangambi Km 5 cultivar for bananas and the Tala lola and Losakala cultivars for plantains.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Shadari Salumu, Dowiya Nzawele, Mukandama Ndolandola

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