Sustainable Forest Management in the Democratic Republic of Congo through Its Forestry Policy
Nowadays, sustainable forest management (SFM) is a major concern for everyone. Steps are being taken to achieve this. It is through both binding and non-binding texts that international organizations and individual countries enact principles and laws that the will to manage forests sustainably is expressed. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, with its substantial forest resources and its desire for sustainable management, is committed to this approach. That's why it has signed up to several international conventions and ratified agreements. Internally, several texts regulate SFM. This study was carried out with the aim of highlighting the DRC's major concern regarding the sustainable management of its forest. It was thus found that, through international agreements, conventions, its fundamental law, its forestry code and a number of decrees, the DRC is very concerned about the sustainability of its forest resources. All that remains is to apply the relevant provisions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 MBUANGI LUSUADI Maurice, ILUNGA MUYUNGU Sylva
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