Enhancing Agricultural Productivity in the Philippines: A Comprehensive Review of Mechanization Status and Sustainable Strategies
This review examines the current status of agricultural mechanization in the Philippines and its impact on productivity while identifying sustainable strategies to address existing challenges. Despite the importance of agriculture in the national economy, mechanization levels remain low, constrained by financial barriers, inadequate infrastructure, and limited technical knowledge among farmers. The review highlights the necessity of promoting inclusive access to mechanization through cooperative models and government subsidies, alongside enhancing training and capacity-building initiatives. Additionally, it emphasizes the role of innovative technologies, such as smart agriculture and eco-friendly machinery, in boosting efficiency. Finally, a robust policy framework is essential for fostering research and development in agricultural technologies. The Philippines can significantly enhance agricultural productivity by implementing these strategies, contributing to food security and economic resilience.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christian John Bautista, June Quipo, Mysel Taldhay

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