Floristic Diversity between 1960 and 2023, Aboveground Biomass of Vegetation in the Ngamakala Peatland in the Republic of Congo, Congo Basin
There has been very little research done globally on how peatland ecosystems respond to anthropogenic threats. The dynamics of vegetation between 1976 and 2023 as well as its impact on the overall floristic composition and the aerial biomass of groups (herbaceous and woody) were the subject of our study in the Ngamakala peatland. The objective of this study is to characterize the floristic changes that occurred in the Ngamakala peatland from 1976 to 2023, following the environmental changes that occurred and the development of woody vegetation in the Ngamakala peatland on the north-eastern flank. A temporary device of ten plots, four of 8 m² each in the meadow area and 6 plots of 100 m² each in the forest part, was set up. After data collection, they were processed and analyzed and gave very significant results. The flora of the Ngamakala peatland is experiencing a significant change, an increase of 34.76% in its specific richness. These results also show a diversified floristic procession with a Sørensen dissimilarity index of 0.3. The increase in the floristic composition, linked to the state of health of the peatland, influences both the decrease in the frequency and abundance of turficolous species and the variability of biomass stocks. This study made it possible to understand the impact of human activities on land use around the Ngamakala peatland, and also the change in the floristic composition in the Ngamakala vegetation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 ELOALI Elferd, IFO Suspense Averti, Hugues-Yvan Gomat, NDZAI Saint Fedriche, MILONGO Brice, BOBANGUI Grace Mercia, WANDO Brice, LUNGELA TCHIMPA Henrique Gloire, ATIPO Divine, YOKA Joseph

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