Filtering Anti-Female Joke on Social Media Space: Natural Language Processing Approach
The growing threat of abuse from obscene jokes and other types of objectifying content especially among women has caused harassment and created a hostile environment for some users of social media space. To reduce the rate of hostility, filtering, therefore, becomes necessary for checking uncontrolled posting of contents of obscene jokes. The primary objective of this paper is to develop an intelligent filtering system of anti-female jokes on social media space using Natural Language Processing. 1500 one-liner anti-female jokes were sourced from social media sites, and expressed with characteristics attributes of human-centeredness and polarity orientation. The binning of these attributes was centered on: human-centric vocabulary, negation, negative orientation, sexiest terms, professional communities and private parts. The applicable dataset was divided utilizing k-fold cross-validation for the training process. A filtering system was developed utilizing the algorithm that exhibited the highest level of accuracy. The model was developed in Python, employing various Natural Language Processing techniques. Its performance was assessed using metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score to ensure evaluation of its effectiveness. Results of the experiments showed that Random Forest algorithm produced the best accuracy with 95.3%. Therefore, the model could be adopted for intelligent filtering of anti-female jokes on social media.
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Copyright (c) 2024 James Idara, Ekong Anietie, Udoh Abigail, Udoeka Ifreke

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