Bridging the Gap: Lessons Learned from the Jenelata Bridge Collapse and Future Restoration Plans
The collapse of the Jenelata Bridge underscores the vulnerability of bridge infrastructure in areas with significant hydraulic forces. This study investigates the primary causes of the bridge’s collapse and proposes a restoration approach to prevent similar incidents in the future. The findings reveal that intense scouring around the foundation, exacerbated by the bridge’s proximity to a river meander, weakened the abutment structure. The foundation’s design, which used shallow footings instead of more suitable deep foundations, was found inadequate to withstand the hydraulic pressures, resulting in instability and eventual structural failure. Notably, simulation analysis confirmed that the bridge itself was structurally sound to support traffic loads, ruling out overloading as a collapse factor.
For restoration, a comprehensive approach has been proposed, beginning with replacing the existing 30-meter span with a 50-meter steel truss bridge to enhance load-bearing capacity and structural flexibility. Additionally, the abutment will be relocated more than 20 meters from the scour zone to mitigate erosion risks and increase stability. Reinforcement of the existing pier is also planned to ensure it can support the weight of the new steel bridge span and a 30-meter composite bridge. Furthermore, a riverbank protection structure will be constructed to safeguard the abutment from landslides, thus enhancing the bridge's resilience to extreme environmental conditions.
This study emphasizes the importance of adapting bridge foundation designs to hydrodynamic forces in erosion-prone areas. These findings provide valuable insights into bridge design and restoration practices that can enhance structural safety and stability, particularly in challenging riverine environments.
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