Creative and Innovative Teaching Approaches of Basic Education Teachers in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas

  • Francis Thaise A. Cimene
  • Romy C. Jr. Alamis
  • Kenneth G. Aranas
  • Robel John S. Ceriaca
Keywords: Creative and Innovative Teaching Approaches, Teachers, Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas, Qualitative Research


This study explored the creative and innovative teaching approaches employed by teachers in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, focusing on how they overcome challenges such as limited resources, diverse student needs, infrastructural constraints, and environmental challenges. Twenty teachers participated through key informant interviews, providing insights into the unique strategies they developed to deliver quality education under challenging conditions. The most pressing issue identified was the severe scarcity of teaching and learning resources, compelling teachers to rely heavily on their creativity and resourcefulness. Many educators utilized indigenous materials to create teaching aids, integrating culturally relevant content into their lessons, which not only alleviated financial burdens on students' families but also enriched the learning experience. Another significant challenge was student absenteeism, driven by poverty, family obligations, and environmental challenges. To mitigate this, teachers developed creative solutions like take-home worksheets, enabling students to continue their education despite frequent absences. Additionally, teachers provided individualized instruction to ensure that all students, regardless of their circumstances, had the opportunity to succeed. In multi-grade classrooms, where students of various grade levels are combined, teachers employed differentiated learning strategies to meet the diverse needs of their students, further demonstrating their adaptability and commitment. These findings underscore the resilience and innovation of teachers in underserved communities, who continuously strive to provide accessible and meaningful education despite profound challenges. Their efforts highlight the importance of context-sensitive teaching practices that consider the socio-economic realities of students' lives. The study emphasizes the need for continued support and recognition of these educators, whose work is vital to the educational success and overall well-being of the communities they serve.


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How to Cite
Cimene, F. T. A., Alamis, R. C. J., Aranas, K. G., & Ceriaca, R. J. S. (2024). Creative and Innovative Teaching Approaches of Basic Education Teachers in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(4), 258-267. Retrieved from