Predictive Validity of First Year Cumulative GPA over the Final Cumulative GPA of Basic Education Graduates

  • Hassan Mubarik Iddrisu
  • Simon Alhassan Iddrisu
Keywords: predictive validity, validity coefficient, predictor, criterion, predictive power, grade point average, basic education, academic performance


This study investigated the predictive validity of first-year Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) over final-year CGPA for graduates of Basic Education at the University for Development Studies. The study aimed to investigate the extent to which early academic performance can accurately predict students' success in their final year. Academic data of Basic Education graduates covering three academic years (2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17) were collected and used to conduct correlational analysis. The results revealed a positive strong and significant correlation (r = 0.918, p = 0.000) between first-year CGPA and final-year CGPA. Students who excelled academically in their first year tend to maintain similar levels of performance in their final year. Regression analysis again confirmed the predictive power of the first-year CGPA, accounting for approximately 84.2% of the variance in final-year CGPA. Gender was found to have a very weak and non-significant correlation (r = -0.030, p = 0.625) with final-year CGPA, indicating that gender does not significantly influence academic performance in the Basic Education programme. The findings hold practical implications for educational institutions, suggesting that first-year CGPA can be utilized to identify at-risk students and implement tailored support plans to encourage success and continuous growth. This research contributes valuable insights to the field of education assessment and student evaluation, emphasizing the importance of establishing a strong academic foundation in the first year to ensure successful academic outcomes in the final year.


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How to Cite
Iddrisu, H. M., & Iddrisu, S. A. (2024). Predictive Validity of First Year Cumulative GPA over the Final Cumulative GPA of Basic Education Graduates. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(4), 243-257. Retrieved from