The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Performance at Berekum College of Education, Ghana

  • Abigail Amobeah Okrah
  • Anning Asafo Adjei
  • Vida Korang
  • Clara Snr. Owusuaa-Konadu
Keywords: job satisfaction, employee performance, multiple linear regression, cross-sectional survey, quantitative study


This study aims to examine the effect of job satisfaction on employees’ performance. The study employs a cross-sectional survey and a quantitative study approach. The study was based on 129 respondents and analyzed using multiple linear regression.  It was established that among all the nine variables used in examining job satisfaction, only the nature of work significantly positively affects employees’ performance. The remaining eight variables (pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefit, contingent benefit, co-workers, communication, and operating procedures) did not significantly affect employees’ performance. Finally, gender, age, and education were established to have a significant effect on employees’ performance. The study concludes that the major determinants of improved employee performance are the nature of work, gender, age, and education.


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How to Cite
Okrah, A. A., Adjei, A. A., Korang, V., & Owusuaa-Konadu, C. S. (2024). The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Performance at Berekum College of Education, Ghana. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(4), 162-166. Retrieved from