Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Bored Pile Foundation: Case Study of Jakarta – Bandung Station, Karawang High-Speed Railway
As the fundamental component of a building, the foundation has to be strong and durable since it will carry the weight of the structure as well as additional loads that will be transferred to the soil layer at a specific depth. Therefore, in order for the building above it to stand securely, it is required to assess the bored pile's bearing capacity in order to determine the right bearing capacity value. In this study, the author examines a single pile's bearing capacity utilizing Boring Log (SPT) data. This data will then be computed using the Reese & Wright (1977) and Meyerhof (1976) methods. Static loading test data is the foundation for bearing capacity analysis, and it is analyzed using the Davisson and Mazurkiewicz methods. An analysis of the bearing capacity of a single bored pile foundation at the Karawang High-Speed Railway Station project using the Meyerhof method and boring log (SPT) data yielded an average bearing capacity value of 674.30 tons. Using the Reese & Wright method, the average bearing capacity value was 713.70 tons. The results of the analysis of the bearing capacity of group piles from the three methods, namely Los Angeles, Converse-Labarre, and Seiler-Keeney, on PC18C (BH-1) obtained an average value of 1,329.41 tons on PC13C (BH-2) obtained an average value of the average value is 1,344.36 tons, in PC2D (BH-4) the average value is 2,611.48 tons. The average bearing capacity value, as determined by the Mazurkiewicz technique and the Davisson method using static loading test data, is 533.19 tons and 594.48 tons, respectively. The PDA test results show an average bearing capacity rating of 673.65 tons.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kukuh Mahi Sudrajat, Ilham Jumantoro, Muhammad Isradi, Joewono Prasetijo, Andri Irfan Rifai, Mohamad Sobirin

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