Forensic Linguistics and Biology as/via Language and Gender Ratio
The background of the "Forensic Linguistics and Biology as Language and Gender Ratio" issue could be summarized as attributed to the previous and current "structuralist variation paradigm (neglect)". When Forensic Linguistics is being mentioned, idiosyncrasy, nicknames, pseudonyms, loaning words, editorial variety in news media, broadcasting variation, personal variation, individual differences, circumstance variation, humour variation might be taken into account (cf. Crystal, 2000). The biological background of linguistic gender could be attributed to Darwin! Also, the main features of the so-called scientific register form a variable recognized as a set of register-specific functional verbs. The methods are an attempt to indicate a parallel between language and gender variable via statistics and controversially established list of female linguistic features normally attributed to "female language deficiency and difference" linguistic status. Therefore, it is essential to indicate the fact that the very essence of variation is already established physiological difference (cf. the illustrated in Figure 1). A scale based on mainly behavioural approach (cf. Tannen) enables methodologically led principle of authorship detection using gender variation as an initial in linguistic (gender) recognition procedure. The main finding of the study is an attempt to establish a set of parameters which, when combined with advances in statistics and computing, could be used as a forensic test of the "linguistically" produced as well as a parallel illustration of biologically physiologically dependent "gender linguistic variable". The conclusion is based on referring to the literature and is also an attempt to establish a parallelism between Forensic Biology and Forensic Linguistics as analogous to gender variable status in Linguistics.
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