Aerial Biomass and Carbon Stock in the Era-Congo Forestry Concession of the Mai-Ndombe Province, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
This study was conducted in the peat bog of the ERA-CONCO forest concession between 16° and 20°30° East longitude and 2° and 4° South latitude in the province of Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The main objective of this study was to assess and estimate the above-ground biomass and carbon sequestered by trees in the ERA-CONGO forest concession. To achieve this object, a one-hectare device was installed and subdivided into 4 plots of 25 m x 100 m within which all individuals with a DBH ≥ 10 cm were inventoried and measured at 1.30 m above the ground or 30 cm above the foothills as well as their x,y geographic coordinates were taken. In total, 389 individuals were recorded and grouped into 43 genera, 46 species and 21 families. Results revealed the total values of basal area, above-ground biomass, sequestered carbon and carbon equivalent as follows: 34.5906 m²/ha; 339.8420 t/ha; 159.7257 t/ha and 537.7966 t/ha, respectively. The first ten most important species and families that produce more aerial biomass than others include Gilbertiondedron dewevrei (42.3%), Parinaria excelsa (19%), Plageostyles africana (16.7%), Strombosiopsis tetrandra (12.8%), Pentaclethra eetveldeana (12.7%), Millettia laurentii (11.2%), Uapaca guineensis (9.6%), Strombosia pustulata (9.1%), Polyalthia suaveolens (4.4%) and Angylocalyx pynaertii (4.1%) as well as Fabaceae (83%), Strombosiaceae (21.9%), Euphorbiaceae (20.5%), Chrysobalanaceae (19%), Urticaceae (12.7%), Annonaceae (8.4%), Meliaceae (8.2%), Myristicaceae (4. 8%), Sapotaceae (4.4%) and Sapindaceae (2.9%).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kolokota Baelo Jean Pierre, Mbokolo Mbaka Stéphin, Momba Ndombo Benteke Maggy, Kidikwadi Tango Eustache, Katusi Lomalisa Roger

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