Important Properties of the SMA Asphalts – Stone Mastic Asphalts

  • Kerim Hrapović
Keywords: asphalt, bitumen, cellulose fibres, pavement, road construction, SMA asphalt, stabilising additives


For more than 40 years, Stone Mastic Asphalt has developed into an extremely successful asphalt construction method on a wide variety of traffic surfaces, not only in Austria and Germany, but worldwide. Stone Mastic Asphalt is based on the principle of a "self-supporting chippings framework" as well as on a high binder content through the use of fibrous material. The low void content makes the finished SMA layer practically impermeable to water. With properties such as versatile, durable, stable, wear-resistant, deformation-resistant and fatigue-resistant, Stone Mastic Asphalt meets the requirements of a modern road network, and road users, municipalities and the asphalt industry can all benefit from this.


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How to Cite
Hrapović, K. (2024). Important Properties of the SMA Asphalts – Stone Mastic Asphalts. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(4), 1-15. Retrieved from