Genetic-Environmental Components Associated with the Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, autism etiology, autism diagnosis, neuronal nodes, genetic, neuronal remodeling


The conceptual evolution of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from a propositional configuration is defined as a multilateral process of neurodevelopment, based on a particular process determined by the presence of pyramidal neurons, which show a dendritic increase of alterations in the system of neuronal connections, which form a regulatory network of pyramidal glutamatergic activity. The etiology is basically due to multiple possible genetic mutations or environmental processes which, in turn, may cause specific neuronal remodeling, determined by certain psycho-organic conditions, whose consequences are observed in the GABAergic cerebral connexional pathways.

The scope of this study is to verify the significance of factorial clustering that directly or indirectly affect the genetic mutation process as an explanatory basis for the etiology of autism spectrum disorder and, consequently, to be able to establish major empirical predictions about the presence of this disorder associated cluster.

A total of 116 participants with autism have collaborated in this study, elaborated from the factorial dimensional reduction of the independent variables, which have been factorially reduced to two factors: "Disease" and "GENETIC", as explanatory dimensions of the etiology of the autistic disorder formed by the variable "level" (levels 1-2-3) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) of the disorder. The study forms the analysis of groupings of belonging of the cases, according to the parametric statistical technique of hierarchical clustering through the Ward method, contrasted by means of an ordinal regression analysis of the logit link in order to elaborate the grouping of cases according to their particularities, which are corroborated by an ordinal regression analysis according to the logit calculation for the basic conceptual variable that configures the current neuropsychological development of autism, in relation to the capacity of elaboration of neural networks or nodes during information processing, which has been operationalized with the name of "nodes". Finally, comparative t-studies of the findings in both factors in relation to the variables sex and age of the participants were carried out.

The results concluded with the configuration of three differential clusters, which have been corroborated by a one-factor ANOVA analysis, which has indicated significant critical levels for the two factors (sig: .00). The contrasts of the ordinal regression analysis corroborated the goodness of fit of the factors as explanatory components of the etiology of the disorder (sig: .00), which have been duly corroborated by the ordinal regression analysis for these same etiological factors and the consequent statistical process of neural networks by means of the multilayer perceptron procedure. Likewise, no significant differential comparative t levels have been observed in the predictive results referring to the levels of the explanatory variance of the etiology of the diagnosis of autism as a function of the variables sex and age.


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How to Cite
Castro Núñez, L., & Ojea Rúa, M. (2024). Genetic-Environmental Components Associated with the Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(3), 394-410. Retrieved from