Producers’ Perceptions on the Digitalization of Cotton Production in the Municipality of Banikoara in Northwestern Benin
Precision agriculture is experiencing remarkable growth in developing countries. Although a majority of producers have adopted digital technologies, many do not have a good perception. This study examined the case of cotton producers in Northern Benin. In this context, a survey was carried out among 314 cotton producers in the Municipality of Banikoara. The proportion of cotton farmers surveyed having a positive perception of the usefulness of digitalization and the internet in cotton growing, the ease of use of digital technologies, the strengthening of social ties, satisfaction with services mobile money and security was higher than those who have a negative perception. However, a high proportion of cotton producers (63.69%) did not express an opinion on the level of security of digital platforms, and this trend was persisted regardless of gender, age, level of education and the area of cultivated land. Women (100%) had a more positive perception of the ease of use, satisfaction with mobile money services, and strengthening of social ties compared to men, except in terms of the usefulness of digitalization and the internet, where men (91.38%) were more represented than women (87.50%). Highly educated individuals (university level) had a higher percentage of positive perceptions of digital agricultural technologies, and uneducated individuals (100%) found these technologies easy to use and useful. This was also true for adult users of agricultural machinery (30 to 50 years old), except in terms of ease of use, where younger users (under 30) were more represented. Small-scale farmers (less than 5 hectares) dominated other producers in positive perceptions related to the usefulness of digitalization and the internet and the strengthening of social ties, while medium-scale producers (5 to 10 hectares) were the majority in terms of ease of use and satisfaction with mobile money services. Knowledge of this information is important for a better popularization policy for these technologies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Saddik ALIDOU, Adoté Hervé Gildas AKUESON, Arcadius Yves Justin AKOSSOU, Afouda Jacob YABI

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