Response of the Cashew Tree (Anacardium occidentale L.) to Pruning in Northeast Benin
Efficiency management of the canopy architecture of fruit trees such as cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) is important to increase their productivity. In this study, the effects of branch position and pruning intensity on vegetative and fruit-bearing growth of cashew tree were investigated. In this context, the design of complete randomization with three replicates of two factors (i) pruning severity (removal of 3 growth units (GUs), removal of 6 GUs and removal of 9 GUs), and (ii) branch position (Position A: pruning carried out at the apical part of the canopy, Position B: pruning carried out at the basal part of the canopy, and Position M: pruning from the middle) was used. A total of 12 trees was randomly sampled in an orchard of one hectare. On each tree, 15 axes were pruned randomly, with five axes per branch position. One of the three pruning severity modalities was applied to each position and alternated on the other positions in subsequent replications. Biomass and new budburst appearance were measured weekly, and parameters related to flowering and fruiting were collected. The results indicated that pruning promotes vegetative growth of cashew trees, increases the number and intensity of bud bursts and influences the morphology of the daughter GUs produced. Although the best budburst rates were obtained with lower severity, this trend was reversed over time with the biomass produced. The best productions were obtained with the removal of 9 GUs at the level of the basitone and acrotone branches. Apical GUs produced more than lateral GUs. Unlike the biomass produced, the best results on flowering and fruiting were obtained with moderate severity at the top of the tree. This study improves the understanding of the cashew tree’s response to pruning, revealing the intricate relationship between branch position, pruning intensity and vegetative growth. This information is necessary for optimizing the growth and yield of the cashew tree through the practice of pruning.
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