Real-Time Monitoring and Classification of Quality of Experience (QoE) in Video Streaming over Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
The need for internet access is currently rising, and information regarding user Quality of Experience (uQoE) in video streaming is necessary for sound decision making by network service providers. Indeed, it is vital to compute the recording or correlation between objective Quality of Service (QoS) and subjective Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics. Basically, streaming services is a major feature that has gained more popularity on the internet and expanding online audience. Hence, it is essential for network content providers to fulfill user requirements in the provision of sufficient QoS to relevant subscribers and applications. Nevertheless, recent advances show that QoS cannot accurately characterize the users’ perception. Consequently, the perception of real-time monitoring system for Quality of Experience (QoE) monitoring of video streaming services over wireless local area network is considered. This research proposed a Machine Learning (ML) based approach using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural Network (NN) to monitor QoE metrics for video traffic in a typical Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). The machine learning algorithms were trained with the subjective dataset obtained from Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU) ICT unit for more than 60 days in real-time. The work adopts subjective experimental methodology based on dataset which represents the correlation between objective QoS parameters and subjective QoE. The experimental evaluations conducted with confusion matrix show that the system model achieves up to 90% classification accuracy for support vector machine (SVM), 89% accuracy for neural networks (NN). The transformed model was deployed in an operational system API environment with flexible Graphical User Interface (GUI) for real-time video streaming monitoring and mapping to guide the behavior of the overall networks on user experience (uQoE) and efficient management of the network resources.
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