Family and Individual Determinants of Work-Family Conciliation among Working Women in Goma City/DRC
Objective: In developing countries (DCs), women have invested the labor market in both the formal and informal sectors in order to contribute to efforts fighting against poverty in their households. This article attempts to analyze and test the determinants of work-family conciliation (WFC) to these working women in Goma, a city located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Methodology: After a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews and whose objective was to generate new items for the measurement of WFC, factor analysis made it possible to refine these dimensions before testing the reconciliation score by a variance analysis.
Result: It appeared that the WFC is a multidimensional concept. This is made up of eight dimensions: Family support and external services to help working women with their family commitments; Reconciling a wife’s working hours with those of her husband; Working hours and household chores; Managing the constraints associated with transporting women and their children; WFC perceived by working women and their colleagues; Ability to face the unexpected wit for their children; Spouse and colleagues support when needed; Estimated financial losses resulting from the satisfaction of household expenses. The analyses indicate an average WFC score of 59.3%. The analysis of variance shows a significant link between the age of the working woman, her level of education, her marital status, the size of the household, the household income, motherhood (the number of children) and WFC.
Originality: Studies on work-family conciliation are rare in the DRC, despite significant investment by working women for several years now. This study is the first in this field. It also has the advantage of testing both organizational and non-organizational determinants of WFC.
Limits and perspectives of new research: Having adopted an exploratory approach, a theoretical deepening could make it possible to adopt, later, a confirmatory approach to be more sure of having correctly grasped the quintessence of this construct.
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