The Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications on Students' Learning Motivation

  • Joko Santoso
  • Ni Kadek Diah Novia Dewi
  • Delia Ritu Lende
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), students' learning motivation, simple linear regression


In this digital era, technological developments are increasingly rapid, always changing according to human needs. Humans are always looking for ways to make life easier in the field of information technology. Information technology has influenced all fields without exception in the field of education. Currently, what is trending in the world of education is the use of artificial intelligence to help make learning easier. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term from Industrial Society 4.0 and Society 5.0, which is a "computer program, machine learning, hardware and software". In this modern era of globalization, every technology is always present in everyday life, making it easy for us to do things, in this case the learning process to be able to improve student learning motivation. The learning motivation in this research is the ARCS motivation model. The ARCS motivation model consists of four components: attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. So far, student learning motivation has been low due to students' boredom with static learning resources. Students need refreshing learning resources that are intelligent and dynamic. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the influence of the existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications on increasing student learning motivation so that there can be created an active, creative and innovative learning atmosphere. This research uses an experimental method with a quantitative approach. The sample consists of 2 classes, namely the control class and the experimental class of ITB STIKOM Bali odd semester 2023-2024 students who take information systems concepts and applications courses. The analysis technique used is simple linear regression to determine the relationship between the two variables, namely 1 independent variable and 1 dependent variable. The urgency of this research is to prove that there is a significant influence between applications used by Artificial Intelligence (AI) which are more focused on using the AI ​​chatGPT application in the current digital era on student learning motivation.


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How to Cite
Santoso, J., Dewi, N. K. D. N., & Lende, D. R. (2024). The Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications on Students’ Learning Motivation. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(3), 123-127. Retrieved from