Ecological Risks of Heavy Metals Found in Soils at Informal E-Waste Processing Sites in Nigeria
This study aimed to assess the levels of six heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, Ni) in surface soils collected from five informal e-waste processing sites at Alaba International Market Lagos State. A total of 25 soil samples from distinct locations were analyzed for these metals following digestion through standard methods, subsequently estimating their ecological risks. Concentration ranges of heavy metals (mg/kg) in e-waste processing site soils were: Zn (148–12852) > Cu (24.1–23174) > Pb (18.5–8611) > Ni (12.0–158) > Cr (6.5–36.8) > Cd (0.5–37.1), distinct from reference soils' metal ranges: Ni (10.2–11.6), Zn (8.8–11.5), Pb (7.5–10.6), Cu (4.8–12.7), Cr (0.2–11.8), Cd (1.01–2.10). Heavy metal concentrations in e-waste site soils significantly exceeded control levels. Elevated concentrations, except for Cd in S3, were observed in S2, S3, and S5 compared to S1 and S4. Ecological risk index demonstrated higher risk in S3 than S2, and geo-accumulation index identified extreme pollution in S2, S3, and S4. The study also revealed strong positive linear relationships among specific heavy metals, implying potential co-exposure risks. This highlights the need for the comprehensive development of effective remediation strategies to mitigate the release of heavy metals from informal e-waste processing sites at the Alaba International Market to prevent them from risking Nigeria’s environment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adedoyin Bankole, Akinyemi Ogunkeyede, Hien Ngo, Li Liang, Harrison Agboro, Khadijah Isimekhai, Ekaette Fadairo, Gospel Isangadighi, Efe Isukuru, Charles Ogbodhu

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