The Impact of Globalization on Organizational Performance in Uganda: Evidence from Madhvani Sugar Factory
The study looked into how Ugandan organizations performed in globalization. The study's goals were to: (1) ascertain how trade liberalization affected Madhvani Sugar Factory's organizational performance; (2) analyze how technology development affected Madhvani Sugar Factory's organizational performance; and (3) investigate the impact of global competition. A cross-sectional study design was applied. Questionnaires were distributed to ninety (90) unit supervisors from the sugar factory. Only eighty-one (81) complete and valid questionnaires were received back, nevertheless. To get precise results, descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages were employed. Consequently, it was determined that the impact of globalization on the performance of businesses is dynamic and dependent on how strategically firms respond to the opportunities and problems it poses. Proactively managing globalization-related factors and successfully adapting to them boost an organization's competitiveness, resilience, and overall performance.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nandala James, Madoi Muzafaru, Walugega Stephen, Aina-Obe Shamsuddin Bolatito

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