Agro-Industrial Activities and Socio-Environmental Risks in the Department of Aboisso: Case of the Oils in the Sub-Prefecture of Maféré

  • Ehouman Gilbert SONGBOLE
  • Fulbert TRA
Keywords: Oil industry, Risks, Socio-Environmental, Maféré


Observing the installation and operation mode of three palm oil processing units in the sub-prefecture of Maféré allowed us to note that these processing plants are faced with a problem of managing their liquid waste as solid. In fact, all palm oil processing plants installed around waterways do not have a system for managing their liquid or solid waste, which creates a risk of water pollution in addition to the risk of air pollution, with direct or indirect consequences on the health of local populations and the aquatic ecosystem. Based on this fact, this contribution aims to highlight the socio-environmental and health impacts of the activities of oil mill agro-industries in the department of Aboisso, more particularly in the sub-prefecture of Maféré. To achieve this, we favored the qualitative approach. A total of twenty (20) people were interviewed using the principle of data saturation. The analysis of the results shows that the activity of oil mills in the sub-prefecture of Maféré, although providing employment for local youth, negatively affects the ecological state of rivers, the environment, food security and the health of local residents.


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How to Cite
SONGBOLE, E. G., & TRA, F. (2024). Agro-Industrial Activities and Socio-Environmental Risks in the Department of Aboisso: Case of the Oils in the Sub-Prefecture of Maféré. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(1), 404-413. Retrieved from