Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Use of Podcasts and Digital Storytelling in Development of Speaking Skills in Upper Primary
Speaking skills are among the essential components of literacy achievement. However, learning English speaking skills is very complex and complicated as it involves many more multiple abilities than just pronouncing words. Many primary learners still struggle to successfully master speaking skills. Yet, speaking is perceived as the most important skill to communicate effectively in this global world. Therefore, learners of English as a second language need a great deal of language support. One of this supports is the integration of technological application in the teaching and learning of English language. This study investigated the use of podcasts and digital storytelling through toontastic 3D in development of speaking skills in upper primary. The study applied the sociocultural theory as developed by Vygotsky (1978) and advanced by Lantolf (2007). The study adopted a mixed research design involving quasi experimental research design. The study location was Kyso sub-county; Kitui County. The target population was primary learners. Purposive sampling method was used to determine the sample size of the study which was 80 learners. Data were collected through pre and post assessment. Quantitative data of the study were analyzed through descriptive statistics. The findings of the study revealed that podcasts and digital storytelling through toontastic 3D have significant effect on speaking skills. The findings revealed that pupils’ achievement in speaking skills significantly improved after the use of podcasts and toontastic 3D recording. The significant improvement is attributed to the fact that CALL and MALL devices expose pupils to the authentic materials which attract pupils’ attention. The study therefore recommends that CALL and MALL should be integrated in the English language curriculum, which can create a lively classroom atmosphere and facilitate learning. It is hoped that this study adds knowledge to theory and practice of teaching SLA and in Applied Linguistics.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Deborah Kalima Mutua, Anashia Nancy Ong’onda, Omondi Oketch

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