Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Improving Screening and Diagnosis in Kenya

  • Laetecia Kondiek
  • George Wairungu
Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Screening, Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder


One hallmark feature of Autism Spectrum Disorder is poor socio-communication skills. Almost every individual with ASD exhibits this challenge. Diverse research-based intervention strategies exist to ameliorate that. Effective intervention starts with timely assessment and diagnosis. This article explores the different assessment procedures inclusive of screening and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Precisely, it reviews available assessment methods, screening tools, parental perception and the general global diagnostic criteria. The article also highlights the significance of timely and accurate diagnosis in improving the quality of life of a child with ASD. This is an in-depth qualitative research reviewing literature from research findings published in renowned peer-reviewed journals. Among the challenges faced in the diagnosis process are stigmatization, lack of trained personnel, and culturally insensitive assessment tools with the majority of parents registering their dissatisfaction with the entire diagnostic process. This paper ends by giving recommendations to the government and related stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Kondiek, L., & Wairungu, G. (2024). Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Improving Screening and Diagnosis in Kenya. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(1), 85-92. Retrieved from