A Study on Mediating Effect of Environmental Concern and Health Benefits on Green Advertising and Purchase Decision
The current scenario and health hazards taught us the importance of our immunity system. Health becomes imperative when we need to live long, and the environment is significant to contribute to the wellbeing of every human. Green products have shown a ray of hope among consumers to not only save the environment but at the same time become healthy. Valuable inputs and information regarding green products are being corroborated by green advertising. Green advertising is a promotional tool used to attract consumers. This paper studies the influence of green advertising on the purchase decision of green products by consumers. A total of 216 self-administered questionnaires were filled from the respondents through convenience sampling. The eco labels, safety and price factors are significant influencers of the purchase decision of green products. Further the study attempts to find out whether environmental concern and health benefits have a positive and significant mediating effect on consumer purchase towards green products. This study will be valuable for marketers and for advertisers to comprehend and reach the target buyers in an efficient way.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Arijit Goswami, Bhavna Prajapati, Sudeep Kumar Sinha

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