Market Gardening Activity and Improvement of Living Conditions for Women from the "Benkadi" and "Dèmèton" Associations in the Rural Commune of Sanankoroba, Mali
This project analyzes market gardening activity and improvement of living conditions of women from the "Benkadi" and "Dèmèton" associations in the rural commune of Sanankoroba, Mali. It aims to understand the practice of market gardening by women's associations in the rural commune of Sanankoroba; the constraints and benefits of the activity. The methodology is based on field observation, documentary research and questionnaire surveys. Field observation enabled us to visit the various market gardening zones in the commune and identify the market gardening areas of two women's associations, Dèmèton and Benkadi. A literature review was carried out using documentary research. The questionnaire survey was carried out with 31 people from the Dèmèton association and 23 from the Benkadi association. The results of the study revealed that the market gardeners were adults, and that the surface areas farmed by 85.2% of the members of the two associations varied between 1 and 2 ha, with 14.8% of the market gardeners farming less than 1 ha. The crops grown are okra, potatoes and eggplants. The equipment used is rudimentary, due to insufficient financial resources. Constraints such as lack of fencing, fertilizer and equipment are also a problem. Market gardening enabled 26% of respondents to pay for their children's schooling and family health, and 14.8% to buy food. Income from market gardening is used for other family expenses (health, clothing, ceremonies, etc.).
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