Towards the Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of Dolichos Lablab (Lablab Purpureus (L.) Sweet) and Identification of Its Rhizosphere Bacteria in Namibia
Dolichos lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet)) is a multipurpose drought tolerant protein-rich legume crop native to Africa and grown in warm temperate to tropical climates for its edible seeds and manure. Lablab purpureus holds significant benefits to subsistence farmers and offers a great promise for sustainable crop productivity, especially in marginalised areas. Its uses range from human consumption as a vegetable to improving soil fertility, and as forage. Notwithstanding Lablab purpureus crucial potential functions in Namibia, there is currently limited information regarding the plant’s genetic diversity and its rhizospheric bacteria. Assessing the genetic similarity of these varieties through microsatellite analysis will significantly enhance the identification of distinctive ones for subsequent introduction. Future projections show that by 2050 the agricultural products demand for the market will increase by 70% and this will cause challenges for contemporary agriculture. Agricultural practices that make improper use of expensive, and environmentally harmful chemical pesticides and fertilisers are all issues that need to be addressed. Alternative ways of sustainably meeting agricultural demands involve using rhizobacteria or other microbial inoculants for plant growth and development. Understanding the composition of rhizosphere bacteria associated with these plants offers an avenue for discerning their potential contributions to enhancing soil fertility, facilitating nutrient cycling, mitigating disease prevalence, and fostering plant growth.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Faith Fransisca Kavishe, Jeya Kennedy, Percy Chimwamurombe, Jean Damascène Uzabakiriho

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