Effect of Process Parameters on the Quality of Bio-Coal Briquette Produced from Prosopis Africana Pods
Briquette quality varies due to the variations in production methods and parameters; the knowledge of optimal compaction pressure, binder composition and particle size for production of high-quality briquette is important. In this study, the effect of varying compaction pressure (5, 10 and 15 MPa), briquette geometry (solid and hollow) and particle size (425, 600 and 1000 m) on the properties of Prosopis Africana pods bio-coal briquette was investigated. The investigation involved the collection, crushing, milling and compaction of the samples into briquettes with cassava starch as binder. The formed briquettes were subjected to several standard methods to verify their suitability as fuels. Results showed that compaction pressure and particle size had significant effect on thermo-physical properties of briquettes. Compaction pressure increase increased the briquette density, water resistance, compressive strength, impact resistance, ignition time and reduced burning rate. Particle size increase reduced the density, impact resistance, water resistance, compressive strength, ignition time and increased the burning rate of briquettes. Results also showed that hollow briquettes had superior combustion characteristics compared to solid briquettes but lower physical and mechanical properties. Based on this study, the best quality bio-coal briquette was produced from optimum processing variables of 0.6 mm particle size and 10 MPa compaction pressure. Bio-coal briquettes from produced Prosopis Africana pods can serve as an alternative energy source, which can be used for heating and cooking applications in Nigeria.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Usaka, E., Edeoja, A. O., Ibrahim, J. S.

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