Challenges of Environmental Management in the Upper Pungwe River Basin, Zimbabwe
This study examines the challenges faced in managing the environment in the upper Pungwe River basin (Chipinge). An investigation was conducted on how stakeholders interacted with environmental protection and water management agencies. The study employed a mixed-methods research approach. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. The president of the Environmental Protection Commission received 17 questionnaires. Three water management specialists from PSCC and ZINWA were also interviewed while EMA, Mutasa RDC, and their District Administrators each received three extra questionnaires. Mann-Kendall statistics and regression analysis were employed to assess the Pungwe River's water quality, sediment load, and river flow in order to spot trends and forecast future water levels. A negative linear association between pH value and river sediment loading was observed. It was noted that improvements need to be made among stake-holders.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ashley MUTOMBE, Emmanuel NHEDZI, Frank CHIPFUNDE, Ashley T. CHALEKA, Jemitias MAPIRA

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