Assessment for Leaks and Marine Debris from the Activities of Fishing Vessels in the Tegalsari Fishing Port Province of Central Java
Marine plastic pollution has drawn attention worldwide in the last decades. Vast terrestrial ecosystems and the deepest ocean trenches have been found to contain plastic waste. In 2020, plastics accounted for 17% of Indonesia's total waste, making it one of the world's major contributors to plastic waste. About 12,785 tons of waste were leaked to the sea in 2020. In order to help with influencing decision-makers, this research looked more closely into the possibility of marine debris leaking from FMCG product packaging that fisherman bring for fishing operations. This research would also identify the product brands of possible marine debris leaking. In this research, an observational and survey-based descriptive quantitative technique was employed. This research focused on 104 fisherman who were chosen in accordance with predefined standards (vessel sizes and departure). The results of the research indicated that approximately 87.8% of the plastic waste generated by fishing operations was dumped into the ocean, and the likelihood of waste leaking into the ocean increased with vessel size. The greatest proportion of plastic waste came from beverage packaging, followed by food packaging and personal item packs. Adi, Prim-A, and Sprite were the brands that contributed the most to this amount. Other brands that posed a risk to the fishing activity routes and surrounding areas included Gudang Garam red cigarettes, Sedaap noodles, Masako flavoring. PT Tirta Adi Sejahtera, PT Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia, PT Wings Food, and Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur were the top companies that were found to have highly contaminated the sea from the fishermen supplies. Following the guidelines of Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 75/2019, multinational corporations including Coca-Cola, Unilever, Otsuka, and Frisian Flag played a more direct role in meeting the global objective for waste reduction contributions. On the other hand, it was discovered that national businesses—aside from Indofood—lacked specific goals to encourage a decrease in plastic usage both before and after consumption.
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