Comorbidity in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Prevalence and its Implication: What Speech Therapists Need to Know
Alarmingly, multiple researches indicate that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder have a short lifespan. They die earlier than typical population not because of ASD symptoms but due to untreated or undiagnosed physical and mental health comorbidities. Comorbidity refers to secondary conditions that coexist with the more dominant primary condition. In this case, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research indicates that 74% of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder exhibit at least one comorbidity. Comorbidities in ASD are common but difficult to diagnose because majority of individuals with ASD have challenges recognizing and communicating the symptoms. This is further complicated by commonly overlapping phenotypic symptomatology between ASD and some comorbidities. The etiology of ASD is not clear and neither is that of its comorbidities. The aim of this study is to qualitatively analyze literature on ASD comorbidities currently published in renowned peer reviewed journals. This is a qualitative desktop research assuming a descriptive research design. It is anchored in Lev Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism theory of 1968. Comorbidities generally affect personalities, behavior and quality of life of individuals with ASD. One of the hall mark features of ASD is poor social communication skills. It requires a speech therapy intervention. It is important that speech therapists understand nature of comorbidities so that they can effectively manage them during therapy sessions. Further, speech therapy intervention is more effectively done through a multidisciplinary team approach. Speech therapists should be able to determine appropriately which professionals and support staff to collaborate with. Generally, attention, behavior problems, psychiatric and neurological disorders are the most common comorbidities in individuals with ASD.
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