The Influence of ICT Capacity Building on Librarians Service Delivery in University Libraries in Benue State, Nigeria
This study examined the influence of ICT capacity building for effective service delivery by librarians in university libraries in Benue State. The aim of this study is to find out how ICT capacity building influences services delivered by librarians in university libraries in Benue State. Survey research design was used for the study. The target population was 63 librarians in three universities. Four (4) objectives and four (4) research questions guided the study. Total population sampling technique was employed. A self-developed questionnaire with 25 items was used as the instrument for data collection. Thus, 63 copies of questionnaire were distributed and response rate of 100% was recorded. Data was analyzed using descriptive frequency counts displayed in tables, mean and standard deviation. The findings agree that ICT capacity building influences library services such as serials, collection development services, also that ICT capacity building has high influence on librarians’ skills of delivering services to users, conferences, seminars, workshops, in-house training and on the job training were ICT capacity building programs adopted by librarians to ensure effective services to users etc. Challenges such as inadequate library skills, lack of participation in ICT capacity building programs etc. were identified and recommendations were made.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ashiver Elizabeth Annune, Ramatu Azizi Terna, Doocivir Faith Annune

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