Infographics: Tool for Enhancing The Level of Knowledge in Contextualized Filipino Literature of Grade 11 Students
This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of infographics in enhancing the level of knowledge in contextualized Filipino literature among Grade 11 students. This study employed a quasi-experimental design. The researcher selected two groups from Grade 11 Filipino students in a high school, serving as the control group and the experimental group. A questionnaire was used as the instrument, which underwent validity and reliability testing. Statistical tools such as frequency and percentage, paired sample t-test, and correlation analysis were used to obtain research findings.
Based on the results, it was found that the outcomes of the control and experimental groups differed in the initial assessment. The control group had excellent results, with a mean of 26.10, contrasting with the experimental group, which had a mean of 11.04, indicating the lowest performance. Consequently, the researcher decided to utilize infographics to enhance the level of knowledge in contextualized Filipino literature, and the experimental group demonstrated their proficiency in Filipino literature, with a total mean of 32.90 points, indicating excellent performance in the final assessment. Using paired sample t-test, the researcher discovered that the experimental group significantly improved and increased their scores in the final assessment. This study also revealed the effectiveness of using infographics in enhancing the learning level in Filipino literature and creating a Simplified Teaching Guide for Teaching Filipino Literature.
Based on the study's findings, the Department of Education (DepEd), particularly Jasaan National High School, is encouraged to provide rigorous training on how to utilize infographics in Teaching Contextualized Filipino Literature.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Leonieses Jalapan Kilaton, Camilo A. Ranoa

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