Folkloricity of Prose Narratives in Digital Age for Contextualized Reading Materials
In this study, "folkloricity" refers to the transmission of tales or prose narratives from generation to generation. This paper employed a qualitative-descriptive approach to examine the underlying factors behind the familiarity or unfamiliarity of third generation Sorsogueno informants with their prose narratives in the digital age. It also demonstrated that the collected literary works, as well as their rank and category, were authentic Sorsogon folklore materials for possible contextualized instructional materials. The themes and messages of the tales could be preserved for future generations. The stories suggest that death can start life and a language barrier can provide a name. Folktales discuss love that can resurrect the dead and how regular people can outwit the powerful. Myths involve the supreme creator creating everything and punishing evil. Folksongs link humans and environment through rhythms, and life is a melody articulated in words. In conclusion, contemporary technology plays an important role in the propagation and preservation of this indigenous storytelling heritage. This article further suggests using prose narratives in contextualized courses, particularly in primary schools. Similarly, the faculty in the academe may collaborate with teachers to use the prose narratives to inculcate an appreciation for stories that may eventually turn into reading appreciation for better reading comprehension. An extension program in the community may be good avenue of postering cultural identity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sherill A. Gilbas, Mary Jean N. Gamba

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