Challenges in Teaching Climate Change Education Topics among Peri-Urban Schools in Lusaka, Zambia
The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges that Civic Education teachers face in teaching Climate Change Education topics in peri-urban schools in the Lusaka District, Zambia. The descriptive survey design was employed in the study which targeted 125 Civic Education Teachers who were purposively sampled. The study used primary data that was collected from the participant and analysed qualitatively through thematic analysis whereas, ranked data was analysed through descriptive statistics, particularly Standard Deviation. The study revealed that, there is inadequate qualified human resources capital to teach Climate Change Education in secondary schools. This is due to a general confusion that the climate change content is a preserve of Geography and not Civic Education or other subjects. Notably, there was lack of updated climate change teaching aids in schools. Further, the study shows the difficulties teachers face to employ learner-centred teaching methods and methodologies. This was attributed to free education policy which contributed to overcrowding of pupils in classrooms thereby raising the ideal teacher-pupil ratio from 1:45, to 1:≤200. Nevertheless, the study recommends that education authorities should encourage Civic Education teachers to attend refresher courses offered through Climate Change Education workshops. This is because, workshops on climate change is where teaching aids and Civic Education content are updated to include information based on the current trends. This broadens the spectrum of Civic Education that would enable learners appreciate the broadness of the subject in terms of how it is linked to Climate Change Education among other environmental issues.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Annie Mulenga, Manoah Muchanga, Chidongo Phiri

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.