Environmental Problems of Entrepreneurship and Business Sustainability in South East Nigeria
Businesses do not exist in isolation but rather within the confines of boundary called environment. It is an obvious fact that every business exists and operates within two forms of environment – the external and the internal environment. This research work dwelt on the environmental problems that affect entrepreneurship and business sustainability in the south east Nigeria. The south east is the region dominated by the Igbos. The study has two objectives and adopted a conceptual approach in identifying the environmental problems of business, the measures to tackle them and the key strategies for achieving business sustainability. A major conclusion was that no business exists in a vacuum and therefore must adapt itself to the forces of its environment in order to grow and succeed. A measure of a business success is its ability to accomplish its performance indicators in a sustainable manner. It was recommended among other things that government should be more supportive to business by creating the enabling environment and providing infrastructure for business to thrive.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ejike Ibecheozor, Udoka Oparaku, Joel Augustine-Daddie

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