Information Literacy Skills of Librarians and Library Service Quality in Private Basic Education Institutions: The Mediating Role of Electronic Information Environment
The study aimed to determine if the electronic information environment significantly mediates the relationship between the information literacy skills of librarians and library service quality in private basic education institutions in Davao City. This study utilized a non-experimental quantitative design, employing the descriptive-correlation method and mediation. An adapted survey questionnaire, validated by experts and pilot-tested, was used for data collection. A total of 329 teaching and non-teaching personnel were selected through stratified sampling. The statistical techniques employed to analyze and interpret the data included mean, product-moment correlation, and path analysis. The study's findings indicated a very high level of information literacy skills, library service quality, and electronic information environment. Furthermore, the results revealed a significant relationship among the three variables. It was established that the electronic information environment partially mediates the relationship between information literacy skills and library service quality.
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