Design and Fabrication of Drip Irrigation System Using Spinacia oleraceae
The study evaluated the application of drip irrigation on a spinach (Spinacia oleraceae) garden by localizing a drip irrigation system. The system was designed to deliver water required by the crop intermittently. The system was constructed exclusively from readily available materials which include one-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Pipes, 1/2-inch flexible hose, drip set, sockets, end cap, tee reducers. The emitter was punched using a drip set hole punch on a 5 m lateral flexible PVC pipe. The result of system’s test indicated an efficient outcome with covered area of all drippers as 0.000071 m2 at a discharge rate of the emitters of 0.5. The overall emitter flow variation was 50%. Lateral discharge (QL) was 0.008 l/s, head loss (∆H) was 458.26 m, statistical uniformity coefficient (SUC) was 50% while application efficiency was 67%. From the evaluations the field test shows that the water application was adequate by irrigating the area situated on the lateral at 0.0000071 m2. The drip system designed irrigated 0.000071 m2 of the total 0.00119 ha with 10 spinach crops stand for 10 drippers. Emitter blockage which is a challenge with drip system irrigation was controlled by proper maintenance of the main and lateral lines. The use of this system will enhance the seasonless production of spinach and in turn make agro-business enterprising; ease labour task and the drudgery in farming activities especially in rural communities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ntesat U.B., Nweke B., Ozero B.O.

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