Feasibility of Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Education
Like many other fields, the face of education has evolved drastically. In the past, teachers had been the most effective in creating bridges between education and students, connecting them to the universe. They used conventional pedagogical strategies to explain the subject matter. However, the quantum leap in education requires and inspires learners to study profoundly to fulfil their curiosity via the introduction of unique modern progressive approaches to teaching and learning hence the revolution of the educational sector. Ed-tech tools are removing barriers in education and are extensively used in many societies. Variable digital technologies amongst students are altering changes in curricula. This article identifies ed-tech tools available to university students and how they enhanced engagement. The design-based research under qualitative design was utilised. Observations, surveys, and interviews were instruments for data collection. Findings revealed that ed-tech tools significantly contributed by addressing student inequity issues and enriching the teaching-learning experience. The use of ed-tech tools augments the conventional teaching method with the end objective of motivation, increasing engagement, and interactivity. The use of innovative modern pedagogical technologies in education is a progressive step attributable to affordances such as ubiquity, encouraging student-instructor connectedness, and moves students from passivity to being active. The data indicated that despite challenges, there is a high potential to augment the conventional approach with ed-tech tools and modern pedagogical technologies in education.
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