Students' Satisfaction with the Quality of Car Driver Training at Training Centers in Ho Chi Minh City
This study was conducted to find out the satisfaction of learners with the quality of car driving training at training centers in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) based on learners' perceptions and expectations. This study will help the administrators of driving training centers to better understand the quality of training and the satisfaction of learners, thereby making reasonable adjustments to improve the training quality to attract learners. 850 students studying at the center and graduates working in enterprises were surveyed. Data were collected and analyzed using statistical tools including Cronbach's Alpha reliability assessment, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and linear structural model (SEM) with the help of SPSS and AMOS software. The results of the author's analysis have shown that learners' satisfaction with the quality of car driving training at training centers is affected by 8 potential factors, with the level of impact arranged in the following order based on learners' perceptions and expectations: Administrative staff (β = 0.002), Reputation of training unit (β = 0.097), Training program (β = 0.013), Cost of training fee (β = 0.104), Teaching staff (β = 0.138), Training organization and management (β = 0.152), Facilities (β = 0.172), Support services (β = 0.212). At the same time, the study also shows that the quality of training services also affects the satisfaction of learners (β = 0.286).
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