The Controversial Relation between Globalization and National Sovereignty

  • Mohammed Saaida
Keywords: Controversial Relation, Globalization, National Sovereignty, Arguments, Economic Growth, Cultural Diversity, International Relations


The relationship between globalization and national sovereignty has been a contentious and polarizing topic in recent decades, touching on economic growth, cultural diversity, political power, and human rights. This study explores the arguments of globalization proponents and opponents, and evaluates their positions. The research objectives are twofold: first, to provide a nuanced understanding of the relationship between globalization and national sovereignty; and second, to shed light on factors beyond globalization that impact a nation-state's ability to govern itself. To achieve these objectives, the study employs a rigorous methodology, ensuring a robust exploration of the topic through extensive literature review and critical analysis. We consider the role of technological change, migration, international institutions, and global governance in influencing a nation-state's capacity for self-governance. The study contributes by offering a comprehensive examination of this debate, identifying key debates and knowledge gaps. We anticipate practical significance for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners. By understanding the complexities of this relationship, stakeholders can make more informed decisions, shape effective policies, and adapt to the evolving dynamics of globalization.


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How to Cite
Saaida, M. (2023). The Controversial Relation between Globalization and National Sovereignty. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 3(5), 94-109. Retrieved from