The Biophysical Modelling of the Features Specific to the Human Organism
The metabolism is the fundamental criteria of limit between the structure of the living and non living organisms. For any internal or external excitation, the value of certain parameters changes and through adjustment, after a time interval, the value of the parameters returns to the initial state. The organism is a system and health is a characteristic state of this system. The health cannot be reduced only to the absence of the disease; to be healthy means to be in an optimal force, both physical and intellectual. Stress is a state of putting in alert, of mobilizing the forces of the organism in the occasion of an event which requires, in order to be kept under control, a big amount of energy in a very short time. The person who states that they would kill themselves must consult as soon as possible a clinician psychologist. The medical research of Selye found a connection between disease and stress. The disease is the result of the perturbation of the information exchange between the various functional systems between the organism as unit and its life environment, as well as the energetic support which gives human viability. The adaptation capacity and the homeostatic adjustment are ensured at this phase as well through neurohormonal, cellular and intracellular adjustment mechanisms. The model shows how complicated it is to assess if, after a t interval, a normal cell becomes a cancerous cell after “cancerous fluctuations”.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Janos Vincze, Gabriella Vincze-Tiszay

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